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For over twenty years we have depended on Heritage Woodworks to design, build, and install custom cabinets. They have constructed bath, kitchen, and family room pieces admired by guests when visiting our homes. I also contracted with them to install custom office cabinets, library shelves, and counter tops in my church’s offices.

We recommended Heritage Woodworks to friends who found their skills excellent and worth the prices paid. When making a personal recommendation, one does not want to be embarrassed and Heritage Woodworks will not disappoint.

Oliver & Terry Crawley | Sanford, NC

Heritage Woodworks has provided my company unparalleled quality and service on the custom built cabinetry they have crafted and installed for my customers. The cabinetry Heritage Woodworks builds is made to a level of precision that is unmatched. When faced with a unique situation, Heritage Woodworks is always able to customize a solution that works within my budget and that provides the utmost satisfaction to my (our) end customer.

CJC Custom Homes, LLC

I want to thank Heritage Woodworks for the tremendous job you did in designing our new kitchen and getting the most out of our space. The entire addition project came together around the kitchen. We are so pleased not only with the amount of counterspace we have but even more so with the suggestions you made about pullouts, the pantry and your suggestions about granite vs. other solid surface products. We are in the process now of selling our home and those who have viewed it “love the kitchen”. The quality speaks for itself. Your cabinets have definitely been an added value. Thanks again!

mark & ann

Thank you for the incredible looking bathroom stalls for our office. Our patients and employees all commented on how it made the ladies room look brand new. They are beautiful. Over the years you and your company have been made us beautiful kitchen cabinets, bookshelves, desks, and tables for both our home and office. Your superior craftsmanship and ability to design beautiful pieces is second to none. We look forward to our continued relationship.

Scott Axner